Baby T2.0 Bump 19 Weeks

As with many second babies, I have already taken less pictures of baby T2.0. So far with this pregnancy I feel bigger and much less photogenic, but I managed to snap some pictures the other day and since I'm always interested in seeing bump pictures I thought I would share!

Prepping for baby number two is actually a really different feeling to me than number one. Getting ready for Elias was surreal. There was something more abstract thinking about being a mom and the little baby I was going to have. Now I look at my little son and I can picture him as his tiny little self growing in my belly and it makes thinking about baby 2 so much more real. I know what the love of a mamma really feels like and I am so excited to share that with another little babe. I'm still equally excited for every kick and movement and I can't wait to meet this new little one! So far the pregnancies have been pretty much the same. I'll have to start a poll soon for boy or girl. ;)

A quick comparison from Baby T2.0 and Elias (respectively) around the same age.

Hopefully I will continue to update on bump growth! How did pregnancy #1 & #2 differ for those of you who have more than one kiddo?

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  1. Oh you look amazing, absolutely glowing!! I'm so excited to see more photos as your little belly gets bigger :)

    1. Thanks so much! It was a perfect day for pictures (that and lots of make-up lol). I will do my best to keep sharing! xo


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