Tough Times

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This is a question that has been written about by many people over the years. I don’t claim to have an answer, or know the reason, but I have a rationale that helps me get by.
I used to always struggle with this thought…not so much wondering about the little bad things, but the big monumental ones. I never really considered the fact that someone else’s bad choice could affect a ‘good person’. If we all have free will than we can choose to have a negative impact in someone’s life.

Before I just never understood because I though “good people don’t deserve it.” I never realized that this doesn’t matter… it’s not about whether or not the bad thing is “deserved”.

How do you understand the rationale when something terrible happens? I’m pretty sure often we don’t... we just have to trust, which I think is something we aren’t taught to be good at.

To be fair I don’t feel like anything really bad has happened to me… so I guess it’s not really fair to talk about it like I know how to deal with it.

I like to think that I would be able to continue to have faith even if something bad happened to me… I like to think I would trust there is a purpose. I also pray I will never have to find out…and I pray for everyone who has. 

*I recently read The Shack, I think it highlights dealing with suffering quite well...Try it out!

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