Different Than I Thought...

I remember, when I was young, thinking that life falls into place after age 25. Honestly, I thought that once you are done school, get a job, and get married (I planned to be married by 25 at the time) that things just became simple. As though decisions would be easy to make. I know I’m not 25 yet, but I just realized that by age 25 I will still be able to make mistakes, I will still be unsure of the right thing to do.

I guess my parents just always seemed to have it together. I didn’t realize how challenging it would be to be an adult. I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just surprised at how late I realized this. As children we don’t realize what our parents are going through, the tough decisions they are making everyday. Maybe we would act differently if we did.

When you really think about it, in some cases, it’s easier to make good choices when we are young. Volunteering in the community or at school is easy because it’s either built into the curriculum or you sign up with all your friends.

As adults the decision to get involved in the community means going out of your way to find a place to devote your extra time.

I was a ‘leader’ in high school, and very involved in University, but now I need to find out how I want to apply that to my life now.

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