Bump Update: 15 Weeks

We were away all last week on vacation in Florida with some of our wonderful family on Jetty's side and I have been a bit slow to jump back in the swing of things and blog.

At Universal!

I thought I would start with a baby bump update and then try to do much better next week and share some projects I've been working on.

It's really starting to look like a bump now! So exciting!

I thought I would also answer some typical questions I've been asked.

Cravings? None really.

Boy or Girl? Not sure and don't know yet if I want to find out ahead of time (but I think it's a girl).

Names? We have a few names we've talked about but I don't think we have settled on our top picks.

How much weight have you gained? Not sure, I usually only weigh myself when I go to the Dr. I'll keep you updated.

How are you feeling? Great- they don't lie about the second trimester. I'm back to normal from the exhaustion of the first trimester.

What are you looking forward to? Feeling him/her kick for the first time!

How big is the baby? About the size of an avocado! (4-5 inches)

Hope your week is going well and thanks for sticking around through the lack of posts.



  1. Yay! a new blog post! I love the baby bump pictures! I can't wait to see the belly in real life tomorrow !!! :D

  2. I'm so excited to see you tomorrow too! xoxox

  3. You look great! Have you seen this site? http://www.thebump.com/ (I like using the sister site, "thenest" )


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