31 Days: Day 2

You can learn more about my 31 Days series here.

Getting to know me...

When thinking about where to start with building a friendship with Jesus I thought first about how my other friendships start.

One of the first things we do when we make friends is to get to know one another. Jesus already knows me but that doesn't mean I shouldn't spend time talking to him and sharing my heart. He doesn't need me to do this, but I do. Sharing your deepest desires and troubles with someone means you trust in them and it builds a bond from both sides.

I've decided that throughout this month specifically I will start kneeling by my bed before going to sleep and just spend some time talking and sharing. I used to do this when I was little but I somehow got away from it. Now, I know I don't kneel when talking to other friends, but I do usually sit, look them in the eye, and chat back and forth. With no gaze to keep my attention and no audible sound back and forth, I find that I get more easily distracted when I pray from in bed. Kneeling feels more gracious and keeps me focused. I can even do it by looking to the cross across my bedroom where I can see an image of Jesus.

Last night I shared a struggle I'm having with him. I poured it out and I felt an answer so clearly it really surprised me. He reminded me of the post I read at "Oh Sweet Joy!" it was one that, when I read it, I saw myself so clearly in there. It really spoke to my heart and made me think about the attitude with which I do things. Please, please take the time to read it in full here. I would love to know what you think of it. Do you see yourself in Martha, Mary or both?

Sharing my struggles and JoYs will be a part of my  prayer each night.

Step 1 in being best friends with Jesus is well underway. Tomorrow- I learn a bit about His struggles and JoYs. I hope you come back for it!

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  1. I love that you are doing this! It's so great and very inspiring for me to also build a deeper relationship with Him.


  2. My grandmother used to kneel to say her prayers every night. She had a hard time getting down and an even harder time getting back up, so I asked her why she didn't just lay in bed and say her prayers. She said, "It just feels right to kneel. I feel better connected to God this way." The only reason she stopped kneeling is because she had surgery a couple of years ago and now she can't.

    1. That's so sweet and it's true- much closer. Now that she can't kneel I'm sure God holds her extra close. xo


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