Mr. Henry Oscar it is so fun to watch you grow! You are smiling and chatting all the time and the other day I could have sworn you said "Hi!" (By accident of course but it sounded cool)
You are a hungry boy and don't seem to be close to sleeping through the night but I'm still hoping that each night I will be able to get more and more sleep. You are definitely a cuddler and adore being held. Your big brother just loves you to pieces and wants to hug, kiss and hold you all the time.
I know comparing siblings is something kids don't often like but I just love seeing all the ways you are different from your brother. You are a thumb sucker so far but Elias always pulls your hand out of your mouth (he never put anything in his mouth but food). You seem to take life a bit more seriously than your brother but you still bring so much joy with each smile. You were 13lbs 6 oz at your two month appointment which was only 6oz more than Elias was at your age. (He was also 6 oz less at birth so you had gained the same amount of weight!)
Your Aunt Erica got married this past month and you looked so cute in your outfit and were just perfect for the day even though everything was very hectic! I just love all the moments we get to spend together and the quiet moments where I get to just take in all your little sweetness.
I am looking forward to continuing to watch you grow and I love you so much!
You are changing so much!
And some outtakes:
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