It's a Winner Chicken Dinner

Jetty and I eat chicken a lot, so I try to come up with lots of different ways to cook it. Basically trying to round out our "staple meals" so chicken 4 times a week doesn't get too boring. I'm collecting recipes from all kinds of places and looking for more! I thought I would share some of our list (you can have any of the recipes if you want! Just email me at melanieathomp [at] because if we eat it so often, maybe you do too!

I am not a food photographer or stager, so these don't look too fantastic, but they were delicious!

Chicken Diane: (This one is with asparagus and tomatoes with boccaccini.)
Chicken recipe from the kitchen of Mom and Dad LeBlanc!

Chicken Nacho Bake
Recipe from Kraft Canada here.

My side is chicken pesto from the kitchen of Christine Gaudet (left)
Jetty's side = his own creation. (right).

Chicken Stir Fry
We make this so many different ways that there are about 5 recipes.

Any good chicken recipes you can recommend? I would love to add to our list! What about delicious non-chicken recipes? We really need to add more of those to the roster. =)



  1. I should not have looked at your blog when I am hungry !!! They all look yummy !!

  2. Mmm I know eh? Delicious!


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